This will be a quite short article, that will describe how to voice some text via using google translate. I don't know where we can use this, but i am sure that you may face situation, where this feature will be useful. Besides, as for me - it's also simple and interesting.
I decided to create python package "speak" that will give us functionality for voicing string messages. As for example i will simplify the implementation of the package, so don't judge the source code too strict.
All source code is available on bitbucket. But first i suggest you to follow this article, write some code by your self and if something is going wrong check my sources.
I decided to create python package "speak" that will give us functionality for voicing string messages. As for example i will simplify the implementation of the package, so don't judge the source code too strict.
All source code is available on bitbucket. But first i suggest you to follow this article, write some code by your self and if something is going wrong check my sources.